My Mini Me and Me

My Mini Me and Me
Mackenzie holding a picture of me when I was 3....she is now 3

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Best Advice Ever

This week's ADM'S blog hop is What is the best advice ever given?

I know I have been given alot of advice over the years since I am a single mom. Some has been good, some bad, some AWFUL. But I have learned you smile nod and just take it with a grain of salt. The good stuff you stick it in your pocket of knowledge and figure out what to do with it later.

The best advice as of lately that I have recieved and used is " Do what is best for your daughter and you and SCREW EVERYONE ELSE!" I have really started using this. It has taken me a long time to get all of this advice through my thick skull but I finally have done it. For years I have done whats best for Mackenzie but I have always allowed peopled to walk all over me, push me around, and take advantage of me. Well that time is OVER. I now do what is best for Mackenzie and ME!

I know alot of you dont know things about me....well anything about me so heres the big scoop of what changed me. On September 11 2010 my Daughter was sexually assaulted. She was assaulted by a family member of ours. And this event has caused ALOT of turnoil in our lives. I however took this awful awful thing and would not let it get the best of me. I took it and made myself learn to stand strong not only for my daughter but for myself. I have lost many family members and friends along the way since this event in our lives has happened. But I do not care because we only want people who are positive influeces in our lives. So I am very very glad that I was given this advice and was actually able to take it and learn to stand tall for my family!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Moments

I have decided that I need to sometimes just stop and take a moment to realize the things thatare going good, have happened, are going to happen in my life. So I am hopefully going to keep having Monday Moments.......

Monday Moment #1

Today I took a moment to stop and look at my daughter to see what a beautiful little girl she truely has turned into. It makes my heart melt that she is turning into such a great little lady. Here is my moment of refelction to look back at her.

Before she was here

4-18-07 Happy Day Of Birth Baby Mackenzie

3 months old

6 months


1 year old Happy Birthday Baby!!

2 years old Happy Birthday Baby!

3 Years old Happy Birthday Baby!

Just a moment that takes my breath away......I cant wait to see the woman she becomes......of course she can take her time at that I love having my little girl!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Loveys or Blankies

So this is my first ever blog hop Woohoo am I excited!

The subject: Share how your child or you, found or adopted a lovey and the importance of it in his/hers life. As a bonus feel free to add pictures of you/your little ones with your loveys!

So when I first did this I thought....we dont have loveys......but thats only because we dont call them loveys. We call them our blankies! As a babe Mackenzie did not have a special anything she needed. She actually just got her blankie about 3 months ago and now I dont know how she ever lived without one. It all started by me making her a special pillow case (since its harder then hell to actually find a decently priced special pillow case). When I made it she literally STOLE the left over fabric from her pillow case.....this then became her blankie. However if you look in the picture below you can see that she has her special pillow case, her blankie, and about 3 other blankets that HAVE to be on her bed before she will fall asleep!

Now as for me, I too have blankies. Yes that is plural. I have this hot pink, black and white tie blanket a friend made for me that I MUST sleep with, along with the light green blanket that is underneath the tie blanket. ALSO I have two pillows that are MINE. I do not share very well. Even if I am going somewhere overnight I usually bring at least one blankie and one pillow with me......I know here I am 25 years old and two blankies and two pillows. SERIOUSLY!!

So I know this is a bad picture because my new phone dosnt have a flash but here is a picture of Mackenzie and I in my bed with her lil blankie (see the purple thing with the little mermaid on it) and me with my hot pink blankie.

So what is your lovey??

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting to know us!

My name is Rochelle and I am 25 years old. I live in North Canton Ohio. Here is what I look like

I am single and have been for pretty close to 4 years.....I have been on dates but nothing serious. So I am here because this whole dating world isnt my on the internet....going to bars....not my thing. I have the "dream" of meeting a guy through a great friend and then having a group of great people in my life. I know a "dream" but it is one of mine.....anyhow..... I love photography and am trying to get better at it......someday it will be another "dream" of mine. I also love to cook, watch movies, and travel. I work full time helping adults with disabilities and I can honestly say I LOVE what I do. BUt enough about me....

My daughter Mackenzie will be 4 in April (a week after my birthday). This is her beautiful face!

Mackenzie has never met her father and as far as she and I are conserned she is better off for now. She has had some very "tricky" stuff happen to her this past year that no little girl should EVER have to go through....but thats for another post. She goes to "school" and LOVES it. At school she met her best friend who everyone calls her twin. They met in the 1 year old room and eveyone used to get them confused and sometimes still do. Mackenzie is very into baby dolls, art,music, gymnastics, and any outdoor activity. She is a very fun loving easy going little girl and I love her to death!

Well there is a little bit about getting to know us. Now I hope we can all get to know you all some too!